Wednesday, January 15

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

well… the day has finally arrived, in just a few short hours, i will be on a plane flying to chicago. From there we will go to London and after a long layover, off to Entebbe Uganda. To be honest, I am nervous. I am always a bit apprehensive when doing something I have never done before. But I am excited as well. Last night I was reading the last chapter of John, where Jesus asks Peter, ‘Do you love me?’. Peter responded with, ‘Yea Lord, You know that I love you.’ Jesus said then, ‘Feed my sheep’. As a…

Jon has commented on my burst of Haiku’s recently and has responded in kind. Way to go Jon, but your poem is a Senryu. I like it though…

I have been trying to discipline myself to write real Haiku, so this afternoon, while sitting in the garden in front of my workplace, while waiting for my brother, I was observing the beauty of my surroundings and composed a couple. Here they are: Birdsong from oak tree Rich earth by the garden path Delicate flower Sunlight on flower Bowed by the gentle breeze Evidence of Spring Your poet,

This morning I woke up to the sunshine streaming in from my window, and an alarm beeping from across the room. It wasn’t a completely unpleasant experience, but I really don’t like getting up in the morning. Perhaps this ties in with the fact that I don’t like starting things. Food for thought anyway. I wrote a Haiku to capture the moment, because like photographs, Haiku capture a moment in time dealing with the physical world. Here is it: The bright morning sun Shines from an open window An alarm goes off Your poet,

A friend of mine who lives in CA just mentioned that there was an earthquake there. Wow. Here is another Haiku to remember the occasion: Ground shakes beneath me Forces striving together I awake from sleep Yours truly,

This is my first Haiku I think, the others have been more in the form of Senryu than Haiku. Haiku speaks of nature almost all the time, and should express the present here and now of a moment. Senryu is a more flexible form, like Haiku in form but not in expression. Here is my Haiku for you: Leaves rustle in the wind The coolness of a night breeze Sleep overcomes me Yours truly,

well… i’m all packed and ready to go. just a little less than two days left to go, and we’ll be in the air. i’m excited by the prospect of flying, and getting to see Africa, but at the same time, i am sobered by the responsibility of our task. we have been charged with the responsibility to teach 37 Ugandan pastors how to study scripture. we will be helping to “train the future leaders of the Ugandan church” as my pastor has said. i hope and pray that i will be able to make the kind of impact these…

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