Wednesday, January 1

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

Along the Tracks by Chromasia.You use this HDR technique a lot, and it adds a surreal quality to the images. In this case, I like the subtly. I prefer it in fact, to the the image you posted a few days ago, of the church interior.I’ve always been fond of the desaturated color palate. It conveys a feelings of bleakness, and if you aren’t a bright person by nature, that studied lack of pretension (is use pretense lightly, i’m not sure its exactly the word i’m looking for) is soothing.Compositionally i like the use of leading lines. Looking out into…

Everything communicates somethingStart with what you want to say, start with the story. Know where you are going. (what’s your destination)You are answering the question WHY. Why is the photo important. How am I going to use it. What am I trying to say. Knowing how you’ll use it is important, partially because the end product may introduce constraints such as aspect ratio, resolution, etc…When thinking about the why, ask yourself, what compositional elements do I need to tell that story.Consider not just your own perspective, but consider the perspective of your intended audience. Consider the cultural context you will…

How your friends’ friends can affect your mood – life – 30 December 2008 – New Scientist it is becoming clear that a whole range of phenomena are transmitted through networks of friends in ways that are not entirely understood: happiness and depression, obesity, drinking and smoking habits, ill-health, the inclination to turn out and vote in elections, a taste for certain music or food, a preference for online privacy, even the tendency to attempt or think about suicide. They ripple through networks "like pebbles thrown into a pond", says Nicholas Christakis, a medical sociologist at Harvard Medical School in…

With a post title like above, you probably expect a long article. But i’m not a voluminous writer. Over the past several years one of the things I’ve seen over and over again, both in the news, and in my personal life, is that our perception of the world is rarely complete. We just don’t see the whole picture, and that happens not just occasionally, but most of the time.Too see a situation for what it really is, wholly, is rare. very rare.I cite this article about impressions of Bush as an example.

Lose-Lose on Abortion: Obama’s threat to Catholic hospitals and their very serious counterthreat.If the Freedom of Choice Act passes Congress, and that’s a big if, Obama has promised to sign it the second it hits his desk. (Here he is at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event in 2007, vowing, “The first thing I’d do as president is, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That’s the first thing I’d do.”) Though it’s often referred to as a mere codification of Roe, FOCA, as currently drafted, actually goes well beyond that: According to the Senate sponsor of the bill, Barbara…

Republicans for Family Values >> Theology Expert Says Obama ‘Grossly Distorts’ Scriptures to Support Homosexual Cause ” Presidential candidate Barack Obama has written in The Audacity of Hope-a book that perhaps should have been entitled The Audacity of Portraying Myself Messianically as the Herald of Audacious Hope-that he is not “willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans [about homosexual practice] to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount.”[1] He repeated this line in a campaign appearance in Ohio this past March. He stated that if people find controversial…

Robert Gagnon — Obama’s Coming War on Historic Christianity over Homosexual Practice and Abortion “If Obama is elected President this Tuesday he will make it a priority of his administration to pass legislation that will make war against Christians and persons of other religious convictions who believe that homosexual practice and abortion are immoral acts. Persecution will take many forms, as indicated by actions that have already taken place in parts of the United States, Canada, and Western Europe:”

1) Perception is flawed. To believe otherwise is to open yourself up to deception.2) We rarely have all the facts.3) Until the law came, there was no sin.4) Hope in anything except Christ is false hope.5) I’ve become a very very jaded man.6) I predicted Barack Obama would become the next President of the United States 2 years ago, before he declared he was running. Because people underestimate the power of words, and a silver tongue is more valuable than gold in politics.7) I hope, very much, that Barack Obama’s decisions in the White House do not result in more…

a smile played on her faceaching, and lovelya dusky room and warmglowing red from tungstenmy desire is eager, cloying, lingeringand when i wake, it hurts

Annals of Culture: Late Bloomers: Reporting and Essays: The New Yorker Awesome. :)

Public Discourse – Obama’s Abortion Extremism, by Robert George is a great article, articulating much better than I ever could, why voting for Obama for President is a patently unwise action to take if you wish to preserve the sanctity of human life. Below is a quote from the last paragraph, but please take the time to read the full article, which documents where Obama, by his actions, stands. What kind of America do we want our beloved nation to be? Barack Obama’s America is one in which being human just isn’t enough to warrant care and protection. It is…

“No one can blame the faltering stock market solely on Obama’s tax plans or McCain’s own inanity on economic issues. But stock prices reflect current market conditions plus best guesses of what’s coming down the road. And I keep hearing nervous traders and investors talk about “a lack of leadership from Washington.”

Its going to be a long winter. well. maybe it won’t, but right now, in the middle of the season I love best, I’m beginning to feel the dread of a long winter.I wish I understood how I felt. I’m not usually short on words to describe my feeling, being the kind of rare individual who spends more time than is possibly healthy examining his own soul. Its a complex knot.There are a number of issues I’m currently feeling strongly over. So I’m going to list them here:1) Two of my best friends are going through difficult times right now.…

American Thinker- Print Article “His own running mate has told us Obama could have made a better vice-presidential choice, and has warned us that Obama’s inexperience will result in multiple international crises in his first six months. But Obama wrote an excellent autobiography, has an organized unconscious, and knows Niebuhr.”

Money Meltdown: Hold On To Your Hats And Sunglasses, Here Comes The Credit Card Meltdown “The good news? The credit card market is tiny compared to the housing market, so a “subprime credit card meltdown” wouldn’t have the same effect as our current housing dilemma. ”

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