Sunday, January 12

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

I got an email from the other day, and while I was examining it, I thought to myself, "Hey! I’ve seen that kid!". And indeed I had, on an advertisement for some ISP. I thought the advertisement cool, so I wrote an entry about it here. Here is the email from here is the one from the ISP:Now if I could just find the stock image library they used.. anyone?

I’ve been wondering lately what the effect would be on my blog if I regularly posted something, say once a week or once a month using all the key words in the Google Zeitgeist. *grin* So I’m going to try this experiment. Once every month, I’m going to post something using all the key words in the top gaining query’s of the Zeitgeist and see what effect it has on google refferal traffic. So here we go…Cameron Diaz has been in the news lately. Her exploits in some photo session resulted in a rather unsavory video that has made its…

The artist sees a world gone wrong Yet feels the chance of glory strong If all upon their bended knee Would seek Him with humility So the artist seeks to make A piece of artistry to take And offer for the public view A vision of what is made new His broken heart, made new by love By the shedding of his Savior’s blood Nailed upon a rough hewn tree Gaining freedom for you and me

Elisabeth is the daughter of a couple in my church. A couple of weeks ago she was happily hamming it up after the services were over. This shot is particularly interesting because of the lighting, which is artificial. It looks like light is coming in from a window, in the early morning. I shot the photo with auto white balance, and the flash was bounced off a white wall some 20 feet away.

The power in our apartment went out last monday, and it wasn’t until about 2:00am this morning that it was restored. I apologize for the break in photos. All my pics were on the computer, which for obvious reasons, I could not get access to. ;)I will resume posting tonight. I apologize again for the dissappointment.

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