Tuesday, January 14

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

He’s back gentleman… oh yes, your favorite maestro, Scott Lampley is back with some Christmas Karaoke favorites. Get em while they’re hot… O Holy Night :: White Christmas

I look upon a snow white sea At the crystal flakes on yonder lee And nature whispers in my ear The very hand of God is near And I pause in genuflection I consider His resurrection And the birth that preceded The precious gift that exceeded The greatest gift that came before So great it remaineth for evermore

See the fair fluffy flakes, they blanket the ground in purest white. Tis Christmas Eve, a time when even secular radio stations and musicians proclaim the birth and glory of Jesus Christ. I feel as though I should compose poetry in honor of the snowfall, and in honor of Christs birth. Perhaps I shall. I think I shall ramble first. The end of the year comes to close, and winter gathers us in. Its been such an eventful year, the experience of which has left me quiet, and with little to say, though I do not lack in things I…

Reading Tolkien is very much like falling into a different world… It is the easiest reading I’ve ever encountered, the purest prose, so to speak. There hasn’t been a piece he has written that hasn’t had teh same easy feel, like an old comfortable blanket and a warm fire. His prose is, I think, best described like Autumn, rich and golden, ful and mature, a celtic philology with a hint of insightful muse. It has a precious kind of melancholy, replete with an ancient history, endued with mystery. It is a kind of masculine romance that is passing rare in…

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