Wednesday, January 15

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

David K.’s gonna be a DADDY! Sweet. <dances the happy dance> Little Kesselrings running around… <pauses for a moment and thinks about the implications> step one of world domination is well on its way…

Its Allen K.’s Birthday. Happy Birthday Allen. One of my best friends. I’ve always looked up to you. Congrats.

It seems that there have been some problems with domain name propagation. If you have posted a comment recently and it doesnt show up later, I am very sorry. I should have taken the old site down before trasfering, but did not anticipate this kind of problem. I can’t get to the old site without using the domain to access the ftp server. Domain name propagation takes about 24-48 hours, as it filters down and replaces cached websites and such. Everything should be up and without problems by this evening or early tomorrow.

The site has successfully transitioned from my old provider to the new one. I apologize if any comments or such were lost. Since the domain name propogated, I no longer have access to the old DB, and because it took about 24 hours, that period of time from when I last uploaded the DB to the time the domain name switched got lost. Anyway… thanks for your patience during the switch. If you have any problems please let me know, or wait a day as I discover them. thanks.

I am going to be moving to a new hosting provider over the next day… if you see temporary outages please be patient as I get these resolved. Thanks.

The Winds of Autumn The winds of autumn press upon the boughs of yonder tree And all around me midst the yard lies fading greenery Leaves fall from the laden branches, colors bright and fair To lie and sleep whilst winter comes and with it frosty air I love so much the peace and still of Celtic scenery It sooths my heart and lifts my brow and sets my spirit free My soul longs for its gentle touch and restful offering Of autumn winds and fading leaves and quiet genuflecting

The winds of autumn press upon the boughs of yonder tree And all around me midst the yard lies fading greenery Leaves fall from the laden branches, colors bright and fair To lie and sleep whilst winter comes and with it frosty air I love so much the peace and still of Celtic scenery It sooths my heart and lifts my brow and sets my spirit free My soul longs for its gentle touch and restful offering Of autumn winds and fading leaves and quiet genuflecting

I’m so glad to hear from you Anna. Its nice to know my friends read my blog. <smiles>

Aye… I’ve not posted in like a whole week… I’m sorry. <hangs head in shame> It was a busy time mind you, I didn’t just ignore everything on purpose. I had to travel to OK over the weekend, and I’ve been worked a little over so I could leave early on Friday. Just excuses. Let me just say, Congratulations Joshua and Micaela, who were married last Sat. The ceremony was fun and thoroughly enjoyable. The folk music was an excellent choice, the message was apt, and I especially liked the way you demonstrated your respect for authority by having your…

Farther In and Deeper Down a resurgence in expository preaching. While I was in Africa, my mission was to teach a group of preachers, lay people, and attentive Christians how to study scripture. The idea was that we, the missionaries, could preach all day long but when we leave, who would do the work? If we could train Ugandans to study scripture, then Ugandans can reach the Ugandan people with the Truth. They could discover the Truth for themselves, and that carries far more power than our standing over their shoulder. The key to any successful Christian life lies in…

I think I should comment on my choice of quotations, and perhaps offer some explanation as to why I chose it. Let me first say that I know nothing of Kahlil Gibrain, and thus the quotation from my point of view could be drastically out of context. If your are a reader who happens to know about him, my apologies. The reason why I chose the quote was that the idea that those of us who follow Christ, follow in the footsteps of divinity, and like the quotations says, we have nothing to fear from derision. The Apostle Paul said…

I felt contemplative and rather bored Saturday evening. It had been a good day mostly, but I was still feeling a little empty. I walked over to the borders by our apartment, and spent the evening reading DareDevil comics. A Christian musician was playing to a small crown in the coffee shop. Somehow it was encouraging to see another Christian there. Over the past couple weeks it seems like I have been assaulted with different ideologies. The very foundations of my Christian faith were questioned, and I was confronted with a multitude of systems that cried out that they were…

I was sitting at my computer, falling asleep, wishing I had an excuse to go home. With no such reason presenting itself, I trudged through the rest of the day. Thing was it was only Thursday and I felt horrible. Friday I called the doctor and made an appointment which gave me a reason to leave early, and after spending two and a half hours in the doctor’s office I went home. You see, I had this infection. Not a serious one but a painful one that caused these sores to pop up, and I had one on my thigh…

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