Wednesday, January 15

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

Why do we worry about stuff? I was asking myself this question today, and was wondering why I felt anxious about my car breaking down again, and why I was having such a hard time trusting God. When I thought about it closer, it was the loss of income that bothered me most, and the inability to pay off debts, or do other things that made me worry about my car breaking down. Having your car break down almost always means either a lot of work, or a lot of cash, and in my case also a debt of gratitude…

My friends in Nebraska are trying to find some website… and are having trouble… so here it is Hi Esther and Spring and Erin… :)

My friend Tamara is graduating tomorrow, and she will be moving away to Iowa, and I will not be able to see her for a long time. Tonight was her senior recital, and she played beautifully pieces from Bach, Brahms, Debussy, and Rachmaninoff. In her honor, I have composed a haiku. Musical talent A girl never forgotten My friend Tamara I will miss you Tamara, fond farewell…

Have you ever been thrown into a project where you had just enough information to get yourself into a lot of trouble? This is kinda how I feel sometimes, because most of the time I’m doing something new, and although I am familiar with the idea conceptually, I have little experience with actual implementation. The curse of a career not long started since college. Inevitably, I get deep enough into the project that I can’t really back out, and I go through all the design and conceptual work. And each day is one day closer to that time when I…

Ok… the net is just far too interesting today… among the link on the previous site, i found two very cool ones. First is a new element found called administranium. A must read for all people from every walk of life… and Secondly, a site with Haiku for all the elements… This one I like very much.

I have a few friends who are chemists, and I love em, though they can be kinda full of themselves sometimes… :) But this flash periodic table of elements is pretty cool and might interest them.

There are days when things like this just make me excited. There have been times is the last few months since the attack on New York, that I have questioned our Attorney General, and his actions. All that talk about losses of privacy were a little disturbing. But when the Supreme Court struck down a law that would ban child porn because they said it was too strict, I was bothered, grieved even. Pornography is wrong, in all its forms. It is a sinful perversion, that damages all who come in contact with it. It is especially harmful for children.…

My Mom is blogging! :) If you notice a resemblance to mine… that is because i designed the site. At some point, i may make it more original, more like her, but for now that will do. The site is still somewhat under construction, so look for new sections to appear very soon. I love you Mom! :)

The abuse of children in third world countries is rarely good. It’s especially disturbing when done in the name of the Bible, such as is going on here on the Sudan Ugandan border. The Ugandan government obtained permission from the Sudan to pursue the LRA, a terrorist group intent on overthrowing the Ugandan government led by President Museveni. The LRA, which stands for the Lord’s Resistance Army, regularly kidnapps children and exploits them for labor and soldiers. Some 6000 children are thought to be in their control. I just want to take a moment to praise the Ugandan government for…

Boy! And I thought snail mail in America can be bad sometimes… Over in China, they have a 3000 year old letter that has never been delivered. Man, that person is going to be mad. heh heh…

I’m not exactly new to the web development world… but i’m not by any means an expert. I have just recently started to explore the options available using the Document Object Model (DOM) and client side scripting. For those out there who don’t know what the DOM is, it is a way of manipulating parts of an HTML document using a scripting language like javascript or vbsscript. So for those out there who care, here are some links to pages that introduce the DOM in a somewhat more readable manner than the W3C documentation. Webmonkey DOM Article, and Webreference Article

We all do it. We’ll be passionately defending something, weather it’s important or not isn’t the question, and in an effort to avoid appearing foolish we resort to this. Some people don’t know their doing it, and really just need to be educated. Some people know their doing it, but are to lazy to avoid it. Precious few avoid it altogether, and those people are the ones who will be remembered, standing the test of time and history. Which will you be?

The mind of C. S. Lewis never fails to awe me. In the 26th letter of The Screwtape Letters, he writes for Uncle Screwtape and says, The grand problem is that of ‘Unselfishness’. Note, once again, the admirable work of our Philological Arm in substituting the negative unselfishness for the Enemy’s (that would be God for those who haven’t read the book yet) positive Charity. Thanks to this you can, from the very outset, teach a man to surrender benefits not that others may be happy in having them but that he may be unselfish in foregoing them. That is…

Corroboration on my previous view that our government has no right to condemn Israel Apparently, Israel is one of the most humane fighting forces in the western world. Israel has been fighting to root out terrorist organizations in the Palestinian areas, at the cost of about 3 lives per day. In comparison to America, who defeated the Afghans at a cost of 6-14 lives per day, that is phenominal. Israel is even more humane that the LAPD, who during the riots, subdued the crowds and restored peace at a cost of 9 lives per day of riots. Heads up America,…

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