Sunday, January 12

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

An unusually large number of really good shots on the photoblog list today. Aparently Nothing feels a bit downtrodden. Brownglasses is in top form as usual. Chromasia reminds me of the Swiss. Food4Eyes is back and looking good. Orbit has an exquisite taste for the harmony of two.Appropriation: The Ethics of Creative InspirationGail from wrote about the problems found when creatives borrow from other peoples grief or intimate memories for inspiration. I’m with her, the issue raises more questions than answers…Marshall Sokoloff: SugarThe Morning News features a gallery called Sugar by Marshall Sokoloff. It is a series of photographic…

Stunningly gorgeous photos of the English country side by landscape photographer David Josborn. The site is exquisitely designed, and the photos are panoramic.

I updated my bio, and an observant viewer pointed out the last line in the "What Do You Do" section. The double meaning was unintentional, btw. *grin*Since Lore (pronounced like Lori) had dropped me an email to point it out, I visited her website. I was pleased to find a delicate and comfortable writing style, characterized by earnest candor. Captivated, I was intrigued by the intimacy of it, and felt it worth pointing out. Photos of Note Wonder Industrial Strength Red Rain on Glass

I’m feeling full at the moment… the kind of warm golden feeling you expect during early fall, when thoughts turn to family and loved ones. Its a strange feeling, in that it comes at a time when life isn’t full of roses. :) Many of my friends are struggling emotionally and physically. The world is a complicated place full of questions with no easy answers. But such is life. I’m grateful. Just a note… enjoy todays selection of photos… Wonderfully Cozy A humming bird like flower Urban life has its sweet moments Juxtaposition! Companionship Structure Mirrored Perception, (new) Double Exposure…

I have a number of friends who live and work in Soroti, Uganda and the surrounding areas, and as such, I follow the situation with Joseph Kony and the LRA as closely as I can. An interesting take on the political situation that helps to perpetuate the LRA rebellion was written in The Monitor by Richard Kavuma.

Photos of Note Apple Dapper Conjunction Amber Today’s Chain Link Fence This guy has come up with a javascript fix to make IE CSS compliant.A discussion of the problems inherent in migrating to a CMS. #6 is especially good…Project Gutenberg is holding a redesign contest. I like this one best , but this one , and this one are close seconds.

Iraq Through The Eyes of Those Who Are There This gallery, Through Our Eyes: Iraq, I found via Sarah’s Live Journal is awesome. Check it out, yo.

Photos of Note Subway Bin (top left pixel) Cute Girl (heather champ) Bloom (brownglasses) A look (apperently nothing at all)

Photos of Note Bad Visual Pun Deep Eyes Cool Picture Iran Links In regards to the Gay issue, some Christians are missing the point.

Net News Roundup this is a test Kerry Not Sure God is On America’s Side. Frankly… I’m not sure He is either. The God I know destroyed a whole city for the kind of offences America has been touting lately… And I’m not talking about the war. All I can say is, SF and Massechusets ought to be careful. I love Lileks very last question. So eloquent. LOTR sweeps the Oscars, wins every category nominated in. 11 All told. French Theaters refuse to show Passion. Sad really. A rather insightful look at the controversy surrounding the Passion The more I…

Marriage Under Fire: The Destruction of a Culture Orson Scott Card speaks out on the systematic attack on Marriage we are currently seeing in all its gory detail in Massechusetts and San Francisco. He says it so much better than I do, so I won’t bother you with repeating him. I couldn’t help but think of Rome while I was reading his article. At one time, Rome ruled the known world. But it fell, not because some greater nation defeated it. No, Rome fell to an upstart barbarian king. Really, Rome collapsed beneath its own moral corruption. It had become…

Web Link Collage Today, Lileks addresses Stern and the Passion. Be forewarned… intense sarcasm ahead. The Noodle Incident comes up with another way to handle web typography. Swank! Food4Eyes keep it up. Yo. Heather Champ’s photo today struck me as really cool for some reason. Olsmobomber. *grin* Dialogue Sometimes there are days when you wish you had worked harder, that you had done more. Finding myself confronted with several issues that I wish I could adequately explain, I find myself without words to do so. In other news, The Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson is turning heads and breaking…

I Have an Aunt Named Ruby No really… but this isn’t about her. Ruby is a programming language… and Poingant Guide has written a book about it. And its free. And although I have no real desire to learn or ever program in Ruby, the book is just interesting and humourous to read that you could waste your time for a few hours in it. So yeah…

Foto Finds and Other Things… Nice Shot. Ditto. Truth in Advertising. Some of my favorites are here, here, here, here, here, and here. Somehow or another, I just can’t feel sorry for him…

A Tiny Miracle She was 12 oz when she was born, but she was perfect. A small but powerful miracle…

Fantastically Fun Foto Finds! Yeah, I know… the title is rediculous… The sheer honesty and insight of this photo caused me to ROFL This portrait is cool because of the color saturation, which really sets off the young ladies dark hair.

A Day at the Links… Amber talks about her frustrations with a lack of genuineness in faith. People loose site of the basic thing, to Love God with their whole heart. Without that Love, we end up off balance. This photo makes me think of C.S. Lewis or perhaps Winston Churchill or G.K. Chesterton.

The Cutest Niece Ever! Noelle was born in December last year, and she has grown from her original 3lbs. She weighed in at 6lbs some ounces and we took the occasion to take pictures.

This is a Design in Progress Well, as you can see it looks different around here. For now, only the front page has the new look. I’ll be converting older pages as I can get to them. Comments and/or suggestions are welcome. Tell me what you like and what you don’t like.

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