Monday, January 13

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

He could be my brothers body double… This photo by Khoiuong is freaky only because it looks so remarkably like my older brother. Seriously… too weird.

In light of the recent google bombing of the Presidents Biography, I just want to point out that the Democratic Party is also a miserable failure. (Hat Tip: Jeremy)

Jason’s Daily Links Greg Apodaca Photoshop Portfolio is currently blowing my mind. The No Font Experiments seem to indicate an intelligent and curious mind. I especially liked the ergonomics of a book. A Hobbit trailer by fans made from pieces of LOTR. The Evolution of Type Fixed Width Designs have distinct advantages.

New Wallpapers for your computing pleasure! Japanese Stones Sweet Roses Wildflowers

Of Poetry and Free Verse Thoughts of poetry and the problem of free verse are once again brought to the forefront of my mind. In a comment by Ashley, she makes reference to my dislike of the form. Before describing my thought on the matter, I want to make this preface: I do not consider myself a better poet than writers whose form is primarily free verse. I do respect them and value their insight a great deal. My issue with free verse is that its over used and terribly misunderstood. Speaking in generalities, the majority of free verse, by…

It’s been far to long since I’ve last written a poem worth posting. But here it is: Faere Roses Sweet dreams and faere roses Bedeck thy bedroom window Spreading sweet the fragrances You smell upon your pillow While you dream of fondest wishes Beneath the nightscape willow

Sweet dreams and faerie roses Bedeck thy bedroom window Spreading sweet the fragrances You smell upon your pillow While you dream of fondest wishes Beneath the night scape willow

The Daily Wall Not much has been happening, but because you are all such faithful readers I must write anyway, eschewing the lazy habit of not posting at all. My roomate bought the soundtrack to Once Upon a Time in Mexico, a movie I didn’t see, because we decided that it didn’t have any real redeaming qualities, being about murder and mayhem and all. But the soundtrack is nice, very spanish, somewhat mournful. It makes you want to do the cha cha cha. I’ve succeeded in getting up twice before the 7:00 am hour, a feat seldom sean around this…

Today I woke up early. I know, catch your breath, its ok. It doesn’t happen very often, and its cause for some surprise, but don’t get yourself in a tizzy, you see, I had an appointment to keep. Today I did one of those crazy things I’m known to do from time to time, and I drove down to Arkansas to pick up Ashley for Thanksgiving. The weather was lovely, and after a very minor mishap with a wrong turn or two, we found ourselves at Harding University, meeting the lovely Miss Ash, who was very cool and quite charming.…

In an article in New York Magazine, Naomi Wolf discusses The Porn Myth. I’ve argued this issue with people before, but I’ve never heard as convincing or lucid an explanation of the real world damage done by public nudity and pornography as in her article. Its well worth reading. (hat tip:Jon)

The Daily Wall I’m having trouble finding fodder for my blog. You’ve noticed I’m sure, and don’t really need me to tell you, but it makes me feel better to say it, as though somehow by the speaking it will be abolished revealing new vistas to discourse about. That’s probably why Lileks does it so often. It isn’t like we need to be told every day that he’s got a hundred columns to write, and that the bleat will not be edited. Does he ever edit it? It isn’t like we care or don’t know that he’s going to write…

The cold air wasn’t a nuisance. The pounding of his feet on the broken cement of the sidewalk echoed in his ears, sweat slowly beading on his forehead, then evaporating as the cool air rushed by. He could feel that odd equilibrium where his body’s internal heat met the air outside. That feeling of being warm and cool at the same time. He took a deeper brath, and turned his thoughts to something else, anything else but the pounding of his feet on the pavement, and the distance he had left to go. As long as he didn’t consider how…

I got it in my head to jog last night. I was sitting at my computer, feeling a bit antsy, and the evening was really nice, about 65-60 degrees, gentle breeze, perfect. So I took off. I ran considerably farther than I thought I would, and the farthest I’ve ever run. I thought you might like to know my route… you know.. just because… (Imagery compliments of the USGS)

Over the past few weeks, I have been observing the way circumstances will converge to create moments that seems especially poignant. When a phrase caught from the middle of a conversation adds special value to an observed scene while walking, or driving past a bluff as the sunlight first hits the golden hues of Autumn, and you are reminded of the great depth of God’s mercies, and how often we rely on them.

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