Wednesday, January 15

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

How blithely we walk into sins evil door Not heeding wise council, thinking it poor Considering not the destruction we cause To those whom we touch with sins awful claws Oh horrible wretched man that I am Deserving of death and hells fiery span Casting my gift so precious and bought With grieving on Calvary’s hill it was sought Yet still His love comes without ceasing Washing me clean, my troubled soul easing Why I know not, for at times I resist it But ever it comes, I can not escape it Thus I am born a new man before…

Beyond the Shadow They say shadow lies before the dawn And in the midst of sorrow borne Before the darkness gathers in Shadow makes a spirit forlorn Into heavyness the heart is drawn But the shadow is a feeble fiend It can not stand before our King When He comes in all His glory A real contentment He will bring The shadow banished and we redeemed

They say shadow lies before the dawn And in the midst of sorrow borne Before the darkness gathers in A shadow makes spirit forlorn Into heaviness the heart is drawn But the shadow is a feeble fiend It can not stand before our King When He comes in all His glory A real contentment He will bring The shadow banished, we redeemed

Every so often, as we process the workings of the mighty media, we find examples of work that fails to grasp the subject matter being written about. Such is the case with, Bruce Newman, a journalist for the Mercury News. He posted this story detailing his review of The Two Towers. Even among the Tolkien fans, TTT has met with varying degrees of approval, but rarely have I come across such opinion so lacking in knowledge of the subject matter, and understanding of the themes presented in the story. Dear Mr. Newman, we the people demand better. Such displays of…

I should have gone into linguistics. Its more fun. The beauty and expression of type and language is boundless. Visual art forms are many times limited in the breadth of what they can express. They deal almost exclusively with the emotional realm. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, yet I think it would be more precise to say that a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words. What graphic can express as clearly so much as the written word? And neither type nor language are devoid of artistic expression, thus being equipped to express not…

And at times I pause in muse How would this life be If by chance I didn’t meet Those who mean much to me Forsooth said I, in wonder Astonishment arose I would divide asunder Great would be the throes But such thing has not occurred And all is well with me For God has shown me mercy Content I am to be

Sometime during the middle of last week, me and my roomate came up with the idea that we should dress up for the premier of The Two Towers. In just a few short days, the next movie in the continuing saga of Tolkiens masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, will hit the theaters, and when it does, my roomate will be there dressed as Legolas Faramir. *grin* We figured that we would get a pattern, find the material and sew one up sat, mon, and tues of this week. All has gone according to plan, though some modifictionc have been…

I’m not a geek… I’m a quasi-geek, but I am a full time blogger and a bit of a css/xhtml advocate. Just so you know. Meet BloggerBot, a cool way to start a Mobile Blog, or moblog, or mobilog, or whatever you want to call it. There are other ways of doing it, but BloggerBot, is pretty simple. It uses and AIM to update a blog from a web enabled phone. It has a 150 char limit, because of aim, which introduces a challenge to the mobile blogger. I just started mine. You should too. (hat tip: How Now…

Goodnight to thee So said the sun to the fair good morning As the evening drifted on And nightingales sang slumber sweetly The sunny days are gone Sleep fair fine friend So said the gloaming to the east wood wind And see the stars shine in the sky Where larks and jays do spend their days And fluffy clouds drift by

To tide you over till the October 2002 Essay Pics get posted… my newborn niece…

Chasing Hats has published my essay, Chasing Hats – an essay in photos. Thanks Tim. I’ll look forward to doing other project with you in the future. Go take a look see, and while you’re there, read some of the other works by some talented people.

A new enhancement for the site! To your left you will see the Style Switcher, which will allow you to view walljm in your choice of colors. Enjoy!

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