Thursday, March 6

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

Have you ever been to an otherworldy place? When time is a passing veil… like the morning twilight, it comes but breifly, to be blown away by the assertion of the morning sun. A time when few people are about, most seeking the solace of their homes and families, and the quiet blankets time in a soft embrace. I let my mind wander, and I wonder how long certain things will last, and what form they will take as they mature. Nothing stays the same… its the nature of life. If we don’t change we stagnate, so we move on,…

Poetry is an art mostly forgotten in today’s age. In contrast to the value that was placed upon it in yesteryear, it has diminished. A sobering thought to precede a well done poetry site, vers libre, a collection of published poetry by old and new authors alike. Be sure to check out the top 20 section, which lists, among others, The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, The Meteorite by C. S. Lewis, Grace by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and a technically difficult muse called Before an Old Painting of the Crucifixion by Natachee Scott Momaday.

My first sonnet, The Fruit of the Spirit, inspired by Galatians 5:22, and written mostly in iambic pentameter, though I think I probably strayed from the meter a little. A sonnet, for those who are unfamiliar with the form, is a poem written in 14 lines, using iambic pentameter, and follows a specific rhyming scheme. Now, you are probably wondering what iambic pentameter is, so i’ll give you the trimmed down verision. An iamb is a two syllable phrase, where the first syllable is emphasised. For example, the word CHRISTmas is an iamb. Pentameter means sets of five. Thus, iambic…

Love hath given life to my aching soul By death on a tree on a dark gray knoll Joy through death then compassed this ailing land And brought to us a peace by His fair hand A peace that passeth our comprehension And sooths our fiery raging passion Thus we may suffer long with joy and care There will be no burden that we can’t bear And with our suffering gentleness brings Softening our heart until out of it springs Goodness that we may bless all those around And help them with trials that thus abound From the working of…

I haven’t posted in a couple days. Every man has his dry seasons, and though I’ve not ceased certain creative pursuits alltogether, there is a dragging sort of heavyness starting to creep into life. Bilbo described as , "like butter that is scraped over to much bread". Truth is I’m tired, not the kind of tired you can cure with one good nights sleep, but tired from many months of doing and focusing and trying many things. I will of course continue to blog, here and at I will be writing poetry, shooting photography, and other things as well,…

New poem, A Rose as Sweet as Thee I write poetry when inspiration hits. I put this disclaimer on here becuase some might think that I’m in love. This is not true, I’m just a poet with romantical notions on occasion. In history, poets often wrote of love, and *she* was often written about for the same reasons I suspect. I just thought you might want to know.

Oh for a rose as sweet as thee I’d climb a mountain on bended knee To catch a glimpse of thy sweet face And clothe thee in a delicate lace For thy beauty overwhelms the deepest part Of my soul You are a vision fair and white In purest clarity of my sight A thing of beauty to behold In a precious house of shining gold To be valued all the days that time affords To my heart A joy that moves me to great deeds To the crafting of the finest creeds And the declaration of the greatest things…

I have some friends who are really hurting and in need of prayer. I would be grateful if you would pray for Mr. F, who is dealing with cancer right now. Pray for Mr. B who is struggling with some work issues. Pray for Miss N. who needs God’s help to deal with a difficult problem. Pray for Mr. and Mrs. W who are dealing with some real discouraging conflicts. Thanks,

Color Photography is one of the more complicated areas of a photographers work, specifically because of the wide ranges of light sources you may encounter at any point in time. Generally, light sources are measured by color temperature, with most normal light bulbs producing light at about 2500 degrees Kelvin, which produces a yellow/red cast to a photo. Daylight normally has a color temperature of about 5500K. Most films you buy are balanced to produce accurate color in daylight. Because of this, anytime you have to take pictures with artificial light you have to compensate. You can do this in…

A new collaborative blog called, a blog apart launched late last evening. The idea behind ABA is a group of people writing seriously about a wide range of topics. Check it out.

I thought about my dad today And how he used to study With bible open, notes spread wide He’d read so diligently I’ve always known my fathers faith His quiet ways and habits He loved the Lord with faithfulness And served with real commitments My faith is real and growing strong Because my father studied And lived his life with godliness And with faith his sons did lead

My father worked at McDonalds during most of the years while I was growing up. Before that he worked as an insurance salesman, but when he decided that God was calling him into the ministry full time, he packed up and moved from Oklahoma City to Arlington, TX to attend Southwestern Theological Seminary. He worked at McDonalds for nearly ten years as he earned his Masters in Divinity. I respected my dad as i grew up, watching him get up at 3:00 am to go to work. I didn’t get to see him a whole lot during those years. He…

To thee I bid a fond farewell And look towards our meeting Say on another day perhaps When moments aren’t so fleeting I do not wish to leave thy smile For it melts a heart of stone Warming me deep inside my breast And leaving me not alone So when I think about this fact The coming of the morrow I feel the saying must be true That parting is sweet sorrow

I’d like to say more about this poem… but i’m not sure i could truly give justice to what is going on in my head, so here it is… you tell me what you think. In His Hands Are Kept

In rare moments of honesty I find my true self standing still In a wide empty open room Hoping and waiting earnestly I pace around that empty room Looking and probing here and there Searching for what I do not know Wanting to sate a growing gloom After sufficient time has passed The things I wanted are revealed So perfect in their craftsmanship Their beauty will forever last This is the gift for those who wait Who trust in Him to gently keep The things which we commit to Him Who controls the very hands of Fate

Truly we live in a technologicaly marvelous world. As I speak I travel. Cruising down I-24 just past Chattanooga, TN. I am missing the glorious smokey mountains, as the sun set a couple hours ago. Suffice it to say I was dissapointed. I wrote another poem, The Presence of the King. Well… i’ve nothing more to say… so toodles…

The light fades beneath a mountain scene Glancing off the sun kissed leaves And the warmth of the fair eventide Passes with the autumn breeze A peace descends on my troubled soul In the presence of the King The glory of His creation Fills my heart with glad singing

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