Monday, January 13

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

CSS can coexist with Netscape 4! Recently, a reader posted on my comments section, informing me that you can do 3 column layouts, with footers, in XHTML and CSS that work with NN4. I was skeptical. But indeed, it works. I don’t understand exactly why, but this is a God send to those who have to make things compatible in NN4. (thanks: Roger Waggoner)

Free Books! The Largest Collection of Children’s Books online… they think. The library isn’t very large yet, but it is growing. The books are downloaded as jpeg files. Remarkable. Indeed.

A brief aside… Why is it that when you are truly busy, it seems as though there is often little to say? So bear with me as I try to sum up what has been going on recently. The past few weeks have been a bit hectic… productive, but hectic. Oh, and incidentally, coming down with a cold while you have many many things to do is not recommended at all. If you are curious what has been going on to keep me so busy these past few weeks, allow me to list a few of them. I administrate my…

Image Meta Data in the Image! If you do any kind of photo or graphic management you have probably wished for the ability to store meta data about your images directly in the image file. Trying to maintain metadata in a normal db is possible but problematic as the images may get renamed or moved, thus loosing the meta data you had stored. If not tracked carefully, such a db can easily become useless. Storing meta information such as date and time the photo was taken, shutter speeds, aperature, user comments and so on is nice because that data travels…

More links of note: A 3 column header and footer css layout. I’ve tried to create one of those before and failed… So nice to have that footer. Web Graphics is about stuff…

Two more great links to take a look at: talks about getting funding to implement your ideas. You may not in the business as such, but I would wager to say that many of the idea’s and principles work for business development as well. And Elegant Hack, a blog focused Information Architecture, a field still young and often needed. So much data and so much mess out there still.

Photographing With New Eyes, a list of tips and lessons learned by Andrew Hudson while writing and photographing Photosecrets. The main site, Photosecrets has a list of tips for beginners, intermediates, and advanced photographers.

JavaScript: The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language by Douglas Crawford. Good reading, cool links at the bottom. I’ve never considered Javascipt as an object oriented language perse. Its more powerful than most people think, as indicated in the above article. (link via

While discovering the joys of bash and how to program the shell’s prompt I ran across Changing your bash prompt and Programming the bash prompt. A broad and useful manual for the bash shell can also be found here.

How to Make an RSS Feed is a tutorial on the popular technology. MT does it for you, but if you’re a homegrown site like mine, such information is helpful. (link via:

My brother discourses on walks and talks… I mean what if the talk that I am talking is about walking a walk, but if the walk that I am walking is not the walk that I am talking, then there is a problem with my walky-talky. I especially like his summation and concluding line… Because no one likes it when you talk one talk and walk another talk, that’s when you talk out of both sides of your mouth. You must talk the talk and walk the walk that God wants us to walk. And the only way to talk…

Jon brings to our attention the growing majority of Pro-life suporters among my generation. It seems that the youth of this age are tired of the moral ambivalence of its elders concerning this issue. Perhaps this heralds better things for us than I had hoped. I have long felt that America was a nation on the verge of God’s wrath. The media rants and complains about the horrendous travesty of the casualties of war while loudly defending the right to murder millions of innocent children every year. Perhaps this will help to avert it. I hope and pray that Roe…

If you work with Javascript a lot, especially if you use it to build large portions of a web page, then you probably have endured the frustration of not being able to see the HTML your code has produced. This script, written by Peter-Paul Koch, prints the source of your document for you using the DOM. Handy…

Now if I can just get my Dad to start blogging, we will be one big blogging family. :) My younger brother Read is now bloging. Go take a looksee. Comments to come later. :)

Victor David Hanson in his latest Article, History or Hysteria, takes to task the whining harbingers of doom who whimper and cry about how bad they think the war has gone. After a little less than two weeks of war we have gained an unprecedented amount of ground with very few casualties. People with no knowledge of the overall situation rant and whimper because they see a small pieces of information and from their perspective it looks bad. Yet they ignore those who know better, and fail to consider the lessons of history, rushing off to write another scathing attack…

"The three principal virtues of a programmer are Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris." – Larry Wall

Grace Baptist Church is the church I attend, and as you may or may not notice, their website has just undergone a bit of a design overhaul. You might stop over for a small jaunt. In the future there will be a weekly column from my pastor and a monthly column from my pastors wife. As well, we will be implementing a section devoted to the missionaries we support and their current prayer needs, so be looking for that. Thanks all…

EMACSpeak is a screen reader… that’s free… If you design webpages and you need to be able to test your site to see how it is presented to someone with visual imparement, then this would be helpfull for you.

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