Tuesday, January 14

Author walljm

I have been writing on the web since 2000. I am a christian , a photographer, an occasional poet, a recovering dreamer, an occasional philosopher, a software developer, an autodidact, and I resemble the INFP personality type.

My Mom has moved! You may now find her here. Be sure to wish her good tidings… *smiles*

David Frum is a patriot and a conservative. Dean Allen doesn’t like David, but then again, Dean is French. Dean does have good taste in food though.

My brother’s site is starting to really take shape. He has called roll, so everyone go on over and say hello!

Ooh Ooh, a Philoligist’s website, that discusses things about ancient languages, and how languages are composed and such. Very cool.

There has been much debate on the authenticity of the Baghdad Blogger. Today, Diane defends her position that Salam is indeed authentic. For what it’s worth, my gut feeling is that he is being honest, and like Diane, I was a bit skeptical after thinking about it a bit. But, even given the possibility, I think the blog has value. It probably makes you at least think.

The Baghdad Blogger is getting quite a bit of publicity due to the war. It’s an interesting read if you want the perspective of someone living there. You can’t of course verify it for sure, but interesting none the less.

A rather long post on emotionalism and its effects on today’s society has been posted on A Blog Apart. You might check it out. Oh, and I apologize for the verbosity, the post has been brewing for many years, and I would value your comments on this especially. Thanks!

Ahem… I just thought I would offer a reminder to certain persons that two certain poems are due… *grin* last week… *grin*

So I heard a joke at work… So President Bush decides to go fishing and thinks this would be a good opportunity to meet with the Pope. So he calls the Pope up and schedules the meeting. So there they are, out in the boat with the secret service men and a slew of media people were about, and while they were sitting there talking, a gust of wind blows off the Pope’s hat and it lands several yards from the boat and lays on the water. Well, immediately the Secret Service men jump to volunteer to swim out and…

Well, I’m off to New York! You all have a good time while I’m gone. Blogging will probably be sporadic at best, so I’ll see you all when I get back. Feel free to enjoy the archives or check out some of the excellent blogs I link too. Cheerio!

Larry Wall talks about Perl, Religion, and other stuff on Slashdot. A fascinating look into the mind of a programming language inventor, and some rather interesting comments that followed. Personally, I have no idea how I’m related to Larry Wall, but we do have the same last name, and it feels good to know we share the same faith and love for linguistics and programming languages as well. Now if I could just convince him to work on his website Sweet!

As always, James Lilek’s says what I wished I could have said. Considering the times, movies like We Were Soldiers portray most accurately what it will be like for those who bear the burden of responsibility for protecting their country from selfish and evil men. While driving to work today, I passed a car on the highway whose license plate indicated the owner had recieved a Purple Heart. It gave me pause to think how grateful I was for all those who in the past have served us, the citizens of the United States and numerous other nations around the…

For sunday school: Luke 22:39-46 Twice Christ told his disciples to Pray, lest they enter into temptation. You will note that Christ is not commanding his disciples to pray and ask God to keep them from temptation. He is commanding them to pray, because He knows if the disciples are busy in prayer, they will not have time to be tempted. I think there is a principle here. If you go back to Luke 21:34-36 you find Christ enjoining His disciples to watch and pray, that they might be accounted worthy to escape all those things he listed before. The…

I should have been a linguist. I found myself deeply entranced by a book I found at borders last night. The Atoms of Language is an analysis of the way language mirrors chemistry in its structure. Mark C. Baker, the author proposes that all languages are composed of a relatively small subset of atomic like structures that he callsparameters, whose treatment by a specific language will determine the variations we see in that language. These parameters act like switches and indicate the use or disuse of a specific linguistic rule or option, and based on the use or disuse of…

With so much going on, it seems as though I have nothing to say. Pray tell though, what is it about language that fascinates you?

I managed to get up at least a whole hour than I absolutely needed to this morning. I’ll admit that I like having a bit of time to not rush getting ready. I made tacos last night, so I had lunch to bring with me today. w00t! Now lets see… I was going to say something but I can’t seem to remember. My birthday is coming up, that’s exciting. I’ll be 25, on quarter of a century, just about time for my quarter life crisis. You may send me gifts, amazon will know where to send them. *grin* Well, I…

Transitioning to a new work environment is an interesting experience. Allow me to offer some helpful tips for anyone who runs or works in a company and is responsible for new hires and such. When you find out you are going to have a new employee or contractor working on site with you, then please, assign someone to him who will make sure he knows about all the paperwork he needs to fill out. Please make sure the new hire has a place to work and clear instructions on how to use the normal office resources you have available. Oh……

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