Wednesday, May 1

Browsing: Articles

Its sad… a blogger has gone away… never to have his voice heard again. Good bye Time

I am forlorn Lotus Haiku, for I wish to know thine identity. But alas, it is not for me to know, and I must suffer my curiosity. To you I offer this senryu.. By this secret game Imagination piques my Curiosity

Who is Lotus Haiku? She left me two gifts, here and here Thankyou very much Lotus Haiku, but who are you? If you are her then let me know… or perhaps you are a he? I am sorry if I assumed to much. Please feel free to correct me, and the rest of you, go see the gifts…

It gives me cause to think. I decided yesterday afternoon that I needed to honor my father, more so than the usual card and phone call, so just after the nursing home service, I drove home to say hello and give him his gift. It was a time I needed as much as he did I think. What makes this particular trip more noteworthy than most is what happened while I was driving home… I was scanning the radio stations, mostly to keep myself occupied and fully alert, and I glanced down at the display on the radio and looked…

You may notice some new additions to the site since you were here last. I’ve added the Weekly Quote, Weekly Verse, and Currently Reading sections. Also, the May 2002 Photo Essay pics are now online. Feedback is welcome, enjoy the photo’s and tell me what you think. Thanks in advance.

My deepest apologies for the long dry periods of late. And thank you all so much for your words of encouragement, i do appreciate your responses… Last night I watched A.I., by Stephen Spielberg. Going into the movie I was curious, because, based on the previews, I thought the movie was just the kind I would like, but according to all my friends, the movie was horrible. In fact, I did not receive a single good review from anyone about it. Yet the idea for the film appealed to me and the previews had piqued my curiosity, so I rented…

I have something for you… The April 2002 Gallery is now online and ready for your viewing pleasure. Please feel free to comment on the photos. I apologize for the delay. The May 2002 photos should be up in a couple days. The Africa photos should soon folow, so stay tuned.

It seems as though I’ve lost my voice, so to speak. I’ve been so tired from the trip and busy getting caught up with life again that I just haven’t had the energy or time to find interesting things to talk about. But I am determined to get back into the groove. I perhaps I need encouragement though. Are you out there? Do you have a good reason for me to get posting again? You want to see photos from Africa? Let your voice be heard…

And life carries on, with or without you. Jet lag will kill ya if your not careful. I have been waking up at severely early hours, and been feeling very tired and worn out. Also, a note to those who for whatever reason are taking malaria medicine, never take doxycycline on an empty stomach. Malaria medicine is horrible on an empty stomach. Thing is it doesn’t hit you until an hour or so later, then you get sick to your stomach and at this point you can’t really eat cause your nauseated. <sheesh> Getting back into the work routine is…

I’m home! It’s good to be back in Saint Louis. I’m very tired, and only partially unpacked, somewhat befuddled but I’m home. I didn’t really miss it untill I got back. The organization and order of everything that goes on in the States is very nice. You don’t realize how much structure you have until its not there. Traffic is the most pronounced difference. In Kampala there are only two traffic lights and very few trafic signs of any sort. For a city as large as Kampala, that is amazing. I had 226 emails to sort through at work, 180…

Greetings from the weary traveler… I am going to post a few days entries so here goes…. 6/1/02 This morning I observed the English Institute taught by the missionary wives to those who are interested in learning. The classes are really designed to prepare people to be able to study the scriptures better. I even learned a bit about Grammar that I had forgotten… like what transitive and intransitive verbs are… This afternoon we are off to see the village. A Ugandan village isn’t like what you would expect it to be. It is more like visiting the country. The…

I apologize for the delay in posting. Welcome to Africa in all its technological glory. :) Today is friday and here in Uganda it is evening. The men completed the course and all have passed with flying colors. I can use that expression because most of my readers are American and most speak English very well. Over here, if I used that expression, very few would know what that meant. This morning we had a final quiz and then handed out the certificates of completion to all the men. There were many ‘snaps’ taken and congratulating and handshaking all around.…

5/26/02 Over the past week and a half, I have risen at 6:30 and gone to bed at 9:30 – 10:00. I have worked hard, focused on a single task, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. A very active part of me still wishes that I did not have to work that hard all the time. You see, I’m a lazy person at heart most of the time. <grin> Each time I am in a situation that requires a lot out of me, and I give it all I have, I gain a little more ground on my lazy nature.…

Greetings from Uganda. Today was fabulous. We went to Sipi Falls, which is located up in a mountinous area near Mount Elgon. The waterfalls were breathtaking, and the views were awe inspiring. I took several rolls of film, and when I get back to the states I will try to post them online for your viewing pleasure. All the people here are doing well. Getting to know some of these people better has been a great experience. We have one down and one week to go, and I am pleasantly tired and not exactly ready to launch into another week…

Greetings to all the saints who labor in the States. :) Before I begin to ramble on about my thoughts and things for the day I have an important message for everyone. The priciple thing here is Africa is that resources are often limited. Some families may not have heard from their loved ones in a little while, and that is because there is one phone and one laptop that can be used for internet access, and the access to the internet is limited. The Guimons have done their best to help us communicate to everyone, but with 11 people…

It has been several days since I have posted last, and I apologize for the delay. The sporadic electricity and water combine for many challenging experiences, and delays. The time here has been spent well, but we have been very busy. Let me catch you up on the happenings of the past few days. 5/20/02 Today was the first day of class, and already I am thinking with an Ugandan accent. Before long i will be speaking just as they do, and when I get home I will be speaking in short sentences and emphasizing certain sounds and dropping my…

Today was the first day of class. Things went very well, the men seemed as though they understood and were catching on quickly. We won’t know for sure until tomorrow when they take the test and turn in their homework. Please continue to pray, there is much work left to be done and very little time. I am sleeping better than before. Last night I only woke up twice during the night. I think of all the things that I miss the most, regular dependable water is the one. It is difficult to shower, but not being able to flush…

This morning, we went to the market in Soroti. They had fresh fruits and vegetables for sale. Their meat was out in the open as well. I am still tired, though on Ugandan time, and i have been contemplative for most of the day. I have been struck with how real everything is here. You get used to thinking about foreign cultures from a distance, and things here are not far away, but at your doorstep. Much of what you see has none of the romance painted by movies and television. The need is here great. This afternoon we went…

We are finally here!!! The trip was very long, but my first experience flying was very cool. Getting luggage through everywhere was a pain, and a couple of bags gave us trouble, but thankfully we all managed to get here with all our stuff. The bag with the chaulk for our chaulk artist, Joshua, got lost and didn’t make it to the airport. So we would all appreciate your prayers concerning that. Entebbe and Kampala are incredible. The level of technology is so primitive compared with the states. I am just now begining to get a small grasp of the…

well… the day has finally arrived, in just a few short hours, i will be on a plane flying to chicago. From there we will go to London and after a long layover, off to Entebbe Uganda. To be honest, I am nervous. I am always a bit apprehensive when doing something I have never done before. But I am excited as well. Last night I was reading the last chapter of John, where Jesus asks Peter, ‘Do you love me?’. Peter responded with, ‘Yea Lord, You know that I love you.’ Jesus said then, ‘Feed my sheep’. As a…

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